El 25/05/10 15:46, Vincent Schut escribió:

I'm going to get a new pc, replacing my now more than 5 years old pc. I would like to keep my current arch installation, and hope to prevent the need to do a full reinstall. I like the software I have, and I like the configuration I have...

Could I just put my old harddisk (which is relatively new and still OK, I have SMART enabled) in the new pc and reboot?

Both are amd 64 bit cpu's, the old one one of the first athlon 64's, the new one a Phenom II X6 1035T (and my current arch linux install is 64bit)

Of course stuff like chipset, network chip, video etc. are all different. For video that would be no problem, I could install other (current = nvidia, new pc = ati) drivers from the text console. However, I'd like basic stuff and network to work :-)

Could anyone give me an idea about the chance of luck for such an operation? Tips, hints? Or would you just advise a clean install and install and reconfigure all software again?

Vincent Schut.

Yes you can.

Connect the hd but boot with a livecd (like Archiso), then mount proc, sys and dev and make a chroot on your partition (for example into /mnt/hd), something like this:

mkdir /mnt/hd
cd /mnt/hd
mount -t proc proc proc/
mount -t sysfs sys sys/
mount -o bind /dev dev/
chroot /mnt/hd

Then reinstall kernel26 package or regenerate mkinitcpio image ;)

Make sure in /etc/rc.conf have the correct modules and in /etc/fstab all entries are correct.



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