On Fri, 21 May 2010 22:19:18 +0200
"Andre \"Osku\" Schmidt" <andre.osku.schm...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello Arch,
> is anyone using the arch installer with squid proxy ?
> (or any other cache proxy)
> i'm again so close my goal that it makes me nervous :)
> - squid installed on the host machine,
> - vbox client in the same machine, network bridged
> after login in the arch 2010.05 image (as vbox client) i do:
> # dhcpcd eth0
> # export ftp_proxy=''
> # export http_proxy=''
> # pacman -Syu
> and it works, it gets the db from the proxy cache, and also updates
> pacman from there  (i see it in the squid logs, and download speed).
> everything works ok.
> then i tried to use the attached pacinst.aif file as profile for aif
> -p automatic installation and i get the attached aif.log...
> (it fails on getting the core.db.tar.gz)

no attachment?
> i cant attach any debug.log cause `aif -p automatic -c pacinst.aif -d
> -l` doesnt create any /var/log/aif/debug.log and `aif -d -l -p
> automatic -c pacinst.aif`
can you try an absolute path for pacinst.aif?

> just gives me the usage info, without any
> errors... and also the "Invalid URL scheme" errors that i see in tty7
> are nowhere to find in /var/log/*

what i would do in a case like this is just monitor the output of
'pstree' to see which processes is running (ie wget, pacman, ..), then
you can debug the networking issue from there. 


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