On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Dieter Plaetinck <die...@plaetinck.be> wrote:
> new images are done.
> version: 2010.05.13
> these are the images I want to rename to an official 2010.05 release
> after testing.
> http://build.archlinux.org/isos/Changelog
> http://build.archlinux.org/isos/
> how should they be tested?
> for every file, that is:
> archlinux-2010.05.13-core-dual.iso
> archlinux-2010.05.13-core-i686.iso
> archlinux-2010.05.13-core-x86_64.iso
> archlinux-2010.05.13-netinstall-dual.iso
> archlinux-2010.05.13-netinstall-i686.iso
> archlinux-2010.05.13-netinstall-x86_64.iso
> I want to get a report from someone that an installation went fine.
> what kind of install doesn't really matter. manual, automatic,
> autoprepare, net/core whatever. this has been tested enough before, so
> any kind of install with each single image.
> On top of that, I want:
> A) confirmation for virtio_pci and virtio_blk on the install ISO's
> initramfs  http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/19401?project=6
> B) at least one installation performed from a usb stick, using any of
> the above images.
> So if you test: send a reply mentioning which file you tested, and
> optionally if you can confirm A/B
My current system is installed from previous
archlinux-2010.04.05-core-i686 image, but no idea about the release
candidate image.
I am using an IBM T43P.
> thanks for you help,
> Dieter

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