although this is not specific to my Intel WiFi Link 5100 AGN wireless card, the 
following URL shows similar issues, and the primary poster, was having to do 
exactly what I'm doing with kernel 2.6.33 with regards to: rmmod iwlagn 
modprobe iwlagn
Or: modprobe -r iwlagn
modprobe iwlagn
insmod iwlagn
Either way, I keep aving to do this-even though the module loads at boot from 
Arches LiveCD.
I refuse to install Arch, because I am sure that this will occur on the 
hard-drive as well. 
I don't know if Chris enabled the firmware hook in his initrd.
Chris, could you please look and upload new releases of the builds (or an 
X86-64 build for me in some temp directory on your webpage directory if you did 
not enable the firmware hook?
And if there is a newer kernel than what was in your april 2010 snapshots, then 
could you please update that as well?
Having to modprobe all the time is annoying.
I gave the URL before
URL of my dmesg output with your LiveCD chris (and yes) the firmware Ucode file 
for my wireless card is there, and the module loads, but the firmware doesn't, 
is there any chance you forgot to enable that hook?
The paste URL for this dmesg output Chris for you to viw for yourself (and 
you'll see) where rmmodding and modprobing will work-though wlan0 should 
already be there but I do not think you have enabled firmware in the kernel 
image stuff-so I suggest reviewing your latest snapshot on your website and 
seeing if this is the case-or am I the only one with this issue?
URL for dmesg output:
The bug URL is:
As mentioned above you'll see where the firmware doesn't load.
Note: as mentioned in a prior post about the GRML-based distro with kernel 
2.6.33, the firmware ucode file for the iwlagn module Chris does automatically 
Perhaps they enabled the firmware hook, and you just may have forgotten? I am 
sure that even you could have made this mistake.
If this is not a difficult thing to resolve, then please, could someone please 
I'll never install Arch again if this is something that will always break my 
machine when wireless is the only option I have and I need the firmware to just 
autoload on the liveCD.
I do not like this modprobing business whatsoever, and all I need to say at the 
moment is "screw the Arch Way" of doing things at the moment. Arch is great-but 
if this is something that is always going to happen, then I don't know what 
Arch is turning into. I've seen all the interesting kernel related problems 
lately with busibox and other such things-and at the moment my furstration with 
simply getting the firmware to load on Chris's TalkingArch CD is driving me up 
the blasted wall.Arch is great-but as far as this having to even touch 
modprobe...well this is just not going to be acceptable.
Sorry for taking my frustrations out on the entire Arch Linux 
development/release team, but I seriously don't care at the moment about my 
politeness at the moment. All I care about is  the fact that this is happening, 
and seems totally unsolvable. Even my best Linux blind friend who has figured 
out ways around my problems in the passed can't solve this issue- so I'm just 
hoping that some one in Arch might be able to help.
I'm also frustrated because noone on #Arch-Linux seems to be able to help, and 
the wiki is failing me entirely.
Thanks for letting me rant, and once again sorry for taking my frustrations out 
on Chris who has done so well with TalkingArch and everyone else, but I'm lible 
for a while to blaim anything and everything on this firmware crap until I know 
for damnd sure wwhy it does this, and how to smash this issue once and for all.
I don't have time to learn C, and also don't know who maintains the Ucode files 
for ArchLinux, but I hope that someone will look at this list and see if 
anything can be done in any respect, kernel iwlagn related or firmware, or 
If  anyone figures out how to resolve this entirely, then great.
I just hope that  you didn't forget to use the firmware hook Chris-otherwise 
all my frustrations will have been useless.
But I refuse to accept that Arch-specifically is the only distrobution with 
this problem.
I just won't try installing until I know this has been tested and pounded on by 
everyone in the world with Arch if necessary.

Regards, --Keith

That's why I mentioned GRML because if you go to:
and download that CD and boot it up and uname -a on either of the 64-bit or 
32-bit versions, the kernel version matches, and dmesg automaticallly has wlan0 
with the same firmware loaded-that's why I've brought up that Debian-based 
distro in that aspect of things.
Thank you all so much for whatever help you can provide-but I cannot figure 
this out.

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