On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Loui Chang <louipc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yeah I've thought about this as well. Source packages could have a
> similar format as binary packages with a .PKGINFO file to present the
> metadata in an easily parsable format.
> You can read some of my incomplete brainstormings here:
> http://louipc.mine.nu/arch/%5BRFC%5D-PKGINFO-in-srctargz

Ah, that's great, never heard of that before !

A few comments :
- using the PKGINFO format sounds like a good idea, but not sure why
you want to keep the same name. As you noticed yourself, this would
cause stupid problems like a possible confusion between source and
package tarballs. Better just call it SRCINFO, so pacman will never be
- for split pkgbuilds and arch , well... Maybe it would be simpler to
write as many SRCINFO as there are PKGINFO/packages , i.e. one for
every combination of split name / arch. Maybe all these files could be
all combined into just one, I am not sure.
But I would not care about data duplication, I would rather keep it as
dummy and easy to parse as possible.

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