On Sat, 2010-05-08 at 11:57 +0200, solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote: > I think the question "Err... Why is gvim now conflicting with vim?" > reveals a problem of communication. Let me explain: > > The news/announce "Vim/GVim 7.2.411 Update" has been published the > 2010-04-18 (when vim/gvim landed in [testing] ?). So it's over 19 days > now. That's the problem. Even on the website you have to scroll down > quite a bit to finaly see that news. > ... > One idea would be that announces for [testing] could be done on a > separate channel/mailing-list ? and that announces for > core/extra/community are made in arch-announce and on the website at the > time packages landed in core/extra/community (1 or 2 days before)? > > What do you think ? >
Guys, he is right. Sometimes it happens that you encounter an issue that has been covered in news when you install Arch and then you run pacman -Syu months after the news entry was published. This is a problem, at least to some extent and it should be looked at it, maybe someone can come up with a brilliant idea... But it is not the first time this has been discussed, it comes every time when an important news is released. What's wrong with that pacmatic functionality that shomehow tries to solve this, since it is not implemented in pacman?