On 05/07/2010 11:54 AM, Nathan Wayde wrote:
On 07/05/10 15:48, Burlynn Corlew Jr wrote:
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:04 AM, Johannes Held<m...@hehejo.de> wrote:
* If you have gvim installed, the update will inform you that vim
with gvim. This is the expected behavior. Installation of vim and
separately is no longer required, the gvim package now installs
vim as
Gruß, Johannes
This is a rolling release, not an LTS. There is no excuse to not be
regularly and reading the news. If its a production machine and you are
worried about breakage maybe you shouldnt be running arch on it. The ML,
forums, and irc are full of people who refuse to read the news or update
regularly, and we all waste time answering questions that with proper
maintenance would ensure that they never come up.
Really dude? you complain about him wasting time when you could find
the time to dig up some old mail that was answered ages ago to attack
the guy for asking questions?
He didn't have to lookup anything. This is likely the 2-3rd time that he
has asked about stuff that has been covered in the news or extensively
on the forums and what not. David Rankin posts the most new topics on
this list, many of which, are elementary and/or off-topic and belong to
the forums.
I'm sure we can all agree that it's important for an Arch user to be
more independent and put more effort into solving our own problem but
did you know you can simply ignore any of these questions?
Post on the forum, that is why it exists. Arch-general is generally
aimed for more advance issues that haven't been covered else where. The
mailing list should have a much higher technical level than the forums.
It doesn't take any effort since the bulk of the issue was already in
the title.
It wastes my bandwidth and results in more crap to filter out.
To be honest I simply cannot take this kind of negativity. I would
really like for this kind of attitude to stay away from Arch because
it's not nice and it's the very thing I hate about the Linux community
in general.
This is the attitude that has made arch the way it is. It's all these
new comers from "soft" distros that are trying to change it. Back in 05
and 06 it was common place to receive a google link for a question like
this. Is their a limit, of course, but arch is not the distro to sugar
coat and hold peoples hands! Don't like it start a fork! If start
letting arch become a easy entry distro then we'll end up with another
ubuntu, fedora, suse, etc...
@David Rankin
1. Update regularly - at least one time a week
2.1. Subscribe to arch-announce
2.2. http://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/
2.3. Set http;//home.archlinux.ca as you homepage
3. Google whenever you have a problem
4. For stuff not directly related to arch, aka a problem with a package,
cool themes, etc... post in the forums. It is a much more open environment.