* Raghavendra D Prabhu <raghu.prabh...@gmail.com> [05.05.2010 22:09]:
> Preload never worked for me, may be the performance improvment was too
> low for me to notice. You can also try readahead-list but I am skeptical
> about that too.

Afaik preload is supposed to preload frequently used applications, right? So I 
guess it should be easy to measure if it works or not by comparing the ram 
usage with and without starting the preload daemon. On my machine, preload 
never worked, the ram usage didn't go up at all, even after months of usage.

I gave readahead-list a try as well. There's definitively an effect there, you 
see that the program is working. But the speed gain was far less than expected, 
e.g. uzbl still needed a moment to start the first time. Starting it a second 
time of course goes faster with or without readahead-list and the boot didn't 
go faster as well, it was even slower than without it.

Well, I simply kicked all those wannabe speed improvers out of my system, they 
don't do what they should do in a way that satisfies me.

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