On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Arch Linux: Recent news updates: Jan
de Groot <annou...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Jan de Groot wrote:
> The xorg18 repository has been cleared out, all packages have been moved to
> testing. A lot of users have been testing this xorg18 repository with success,
> so it's time to move it to testing. This means all testing users who haven't
> tried the xorg18 repository yet will have to reconfigure their input devices 
> on
> the next upgrade. The original announcement for the xorg18 repository can be
> found here: http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-
> public/2010-April/016387.html

Nouveau should get an upgrade to go with this. I was able to run the
existing xf86-video-nouveau from [extra] by setting IgnoreABI. I
wasn't able to get the source of that snapshot to compile against the
current X stack. A current snapshot built with no problem and the
server loaded, though I couldn't test if it actually worked properly
(I started that X server on a remote machine).

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