On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:27 PM, slubman <li...@slubman.info> wrote:
> Since the openssl update, whenever I install or update a package with
> pacman, I've got this message as the last pacman output line when a
> package is installed (a new package or an update)
> /sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link
> But everything runs fine AFAIK.
> I'm using x86_64.
> Does someone know where is it coming from ? And How can I get rid off
> this message ?

See lines 556-571 of lib/libalpm/util.c.  Thats where it comes from (I
think.  I profess not to be able to read/understand source code.  I
can run a pretty mean grep -nR "sbin/ldconfig" * on the pacman source
tree though.

Tell us, what files do you have under /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* and what are
their contents?

Also, do you run a multi-lib system (mixed i686 and x86_64 libs?)

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