Excerpts from Ananda Samaddar's message of 2010-04-20 16:34:21 +0200:
> Is there some reason that the gstreamer good plugins set needs a whole
> load of GNOME crap?
> http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/gstreamer0.10-good-plugins/
> I've recently switched to XFCE and I'd like to avoid GNOME
> dependencies.  Is it possible to recompile from abs without all these
> dependencies?
> thanks,
> Ananda

I'm with you on this, the gnome dependencies of this package annoyed
me a couple of times and is the reason why I avoid using gstreamer
wherever possibly.
A multimedia backend that depends on a specific desktop environment is
just broken.
I'm using no DE, why should I install gnome specific stuff?

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