>>>>> "Snarkout" == Snarkout <snark...@linuxfortherestofus.com> writes:
Snarkout> My experience has been that minicom is the best emulator for Snarkout> interfacing with serial devices. I have tried as many as I Snarkout> could get my hands on, too, FWIW ($DAYJOB = noc monkey). IME, Snarkout> If you ever have a large config you need to drop on a device Snarkout> (or even not-so-large) most others fail in various ways. 5 AM Snarkout> at the collo with a dead core router is a lousy time to find Snarkout> out that your *com of choice requires dropping 20 lines at a Snarkout> time or it starts barfing, and you have a 2000 line config Snarkout> that needs dropping. JME - others may disagree. I do (disagree). Nothing beats "ckermit". Sam -- Samuel Tardieu -- s...@rfc1149.net -- http://www.rfc1149.net/