pacman -Ql eterm | grep bin or similar will tell you the executable name.
 If experience serves correctly, it's Eterm.

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Nathan Wayde <> wrote:

> On 20/04/10 03:56, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
>> Could be I'm missing something here... But shouldn't 'pacman -S eterm'
>> put executable somewhere in the standard path??? This was done using a
>> root shell in a konsole terminal under E17 on my recently updated
>> Arch installation... I did search the wiki for eterm just in case there
>> was something about eterm that requires more than a simple pacman install.
>> Didn't find anything useful.
>> Am I missing something obvious here???
>>  Yeah, `pacman -Ql eterm | grep bin/`. The binary is Eterm (upper-case e)

The world is full of tough guys.  It doesn't need me to be one, too.

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