On 04/16/2010 04:37 AM, Andre "Osku" Schmidt wrote:
> and as im a fresh arch user, if you have any tips on using pacman,
> please bash me :) (i just copied the commands from pacman rosetta)

The only thing I can think of that you might be missing through your
approach is chaining commands together. For example, to update on
Debian-based distros you have to do "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get
upgrade", but on Arch you can combine the two commands ("sudo pacman
-Sy; sudo pacman -Su") into one: sudo pacman -Syu. Similarly, if you
want to update and then search, it's "sudo pacman -Sys searchterm". I
assume you can do other combinations, but I can't think of any other
useful ones.

-Brendan Long

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