On Sunday 18 April 2010 12:05:00 Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Thomas Bächler <tho...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> > > Has anyone else stripped HAL completely out of their Arch 
> > 
> > Would be too nice, but it looks like KDE 4.5 won't be HAL-free 
yet and
> > we'll have to wait for 4.6 - so I will keep HAL around for at least 
> > a year.
> The important question is: by what will hal replaced?


> If it is replaced by similar software and if the design flaws in the 
> kernel that support problem with hal are not fixed, then I expect 
> the same problems as before (note that I am only speaking about 
> recording related issues).

You can't take a single high level fault as a indication of a whole 
software stacks uselessness. Hal works well for me - in that it does 
what I want. UDev, which hal is build upon, has been around for 
ages and works fine creating the device nodes for all your mounting 
needs :) And anyway, if there is this major design flaw in the linux 
kernel that stops you writing CDs and other media, you need to say 
what it is, and why they should spend time, which is likely to be 
considerable, due to the fact that architectural changes 
implemented at the maintenance stage will always be the largest, 
fixing a fault that annoys you, and I have never noticed...


Laurie Clark-Michalek

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