Seems my message didn't get through. It was just doing rc() { /etc/rc.d/$*; }
And to get completion, complete -o filenames -W "$(cd /etc/rc.d/ && echo *)" rc That requires a relogin / sourcing the profile again to update the completion (could be avoided with another function) but it's neat and simple. > But that leaves me updating multiple .bashrc files (root, david, > testacct1, > etc..) on each box. If you just symlink them, they are there for all -- no > editing involved. You still have to add the symlinks on each box (and you will forget to add some symlink on one computer after an install). For the multiple accounts, you can add the scripts to /etc/bash.bashrc.local __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around