On 04/13/2010 02:51 PM, Carlos Mennens wrote:
I am really needing to install VirtualBox
(http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads) on my Arch 64-bit
machine. I noticed that there is obviously no official download for
Arch specifically on their site. I then checked Pacman and it appears
there is only a OSE (Open Source Addition) available for 32-bit (i686)
systems only. My question is if I download the file from the vendor's
site I linked above, can I simply not just install that manually on my
Arch Linux 64-bit system or will I run into problems? The package I
downloaded was called "VirtualBox-3.1.6-59338-Linux_amd64.run" which I
assume is just a self contained installer with all the necessary
downloads and required files.

I am just trying to figure out that best solution for installing
VirtualBox (PUEL) but if I have to, I can even deal with using the
less-featured version (Open Source Edition) if it was available via

Thanks for any help / info!


You can use the non-open-source version. It's available (including for 64-bit) from the AUR:




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