On Fri, 2 Apr 2010 18:38:34 +0200
f...@kokkinizita.net wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wanted to do a new install today, using netinstall 
> on an USB stick which has worked at least 5 times 
> before, the last time less than two weeks ago.
> Things failed in the 'Configure System' phase, seems
> I didn't have an /etc under /mnt (and yes I did have
> a '/' partition and it was mounted on /mnt !).
> Do I need a new /arch/setup ?
> Ciao,

well, if you use the old 2009.8 images which has the old aif, it will
indeed give problems when you install the latest packages (although
technically it will mount /mnt/etc, but before it mounts /mnt so it
gets inaccessible), and this problem exists more then since two weeks.

*if* this is the problem you're having,
possible solutions:
1) run LC_COLLATE=c /arch/setup
2) get a new iso from http://build.archlinux.org/isos/


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