On 03/18/2010 03:38 PM, Gaurish Sharma wrote:
> Hi,
> Sharing ArchLinux's article on uncyclopedia[1]. Its awefully funny. I almost
> fell from my chair laughing.
> Here is a small part of it:
> "The almighty Judd has succeeded in making Archlinux the only Linux
> distribution which combines all the worst features Slackware and Gentoo
> have
> to offer.
> Archlinux is mighty fast, only runing on computers with a certain leetness
> factor (codenamed 686+), and features a package manager with an extremely
> funny name: pacman. When used with a large pill, Pacman is also a very
> valuable tool for devouring ghosts."
> Also, checkout the modified Wallpaper
> http://lh6.ggpht.com/_iaFx0ymozoI/SPWLes9mLOI/AAAAAAAAAPE/B4iXp3vdw30/s800/Pacman.png
> Read full
> [1] http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Archlinux
Parts of it are funny (like the pacman section), but most of it doesn't
even make sense..