On 18-03-10 12:52, Mauro Santos wrote:

Gparted (which is just a frontend for parted) may be able to resize your
extended partition without touching any of the logical partitions inside
(you may need to delete your last partition first though, it all depends
on what alignment gparted will try to use),

To be safe, first make an *exact* note (on paper) of the current partition table. If anything goes wrong, you can boot a rescue CD and recreate the partition table from this note. You could also make a copy of the first sector with dd and store that on some media (USB hdd comes to mind), but i would still make the paper note.

After that, just change the end sector of the extended partition to match the end sector of your swap partition and you should be fine.
(try starting cfdisk at this point to see if the error still exists).

If you're feeling brave, you could also recreate the entire partition table from scratch. It's just a table listing which partitions are where. Nothing more.

If you don't fully trust the process, you could try mounting the data partitions after the change. If that succeeds without errors, it should be ok.



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