On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 04:32:20PM -0600, David C. Rankin wrote:

> This is currently the state at opensuse and KDE and is a primary reason for 
> all
> the new Arch users and all the new users of xfce, fluxbox and gnome.
> We are all in this together. One of the things that makes a distro great in 
> the
> eyes of the user is reasonably friendly and open devs. That is one thing I 
> liked
> about Arch. It is worth continuing.
> If a user is doing something that is annoying to the developers, and ounce of
> explanation can go a long way. If for example some user has repeatedly 
> attempted
> to reopen a bug for improper reasons, then a kind, but firm, explanation can 
> do
> wonders to accomplish the goals for all involved.

I couldn't agree more. 

The purpose of all 'ticket' based systems - help lines, 
public services, bug trackers, whatever - is to replace
normal human interaction by some 'documented procedure'.
They are as easily abused in either direction as what
they try to replace, and the result when this happens 
is worse than it would otherwise be. (*)

A dev/maintainer not paying attention and rejecting a
bug report without having really understood it has no
more excuse than the typical troller. Even less.
Assuming a dev/maintainer position is a free choice in
our world, and as with every free choice it is assumed
you accept the responsabilities and inconveniences.

(*) What else would you expect from something invented
by MBA types. 



O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !

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