Am Thu, 11 Mar 2010 17:58:12 -0600
schrieb Aaron Griffin <>:

> This sounds like throwing technology at a problem that basically boils
> down to a communication issue.
> Without specific examples, this isn't going to go anywhere, really.
> Would someone mind linking to the bugs in question?

I didn't give the links to these bug reports and the names of the
concerned developers because I didn't want to offend anyone personally
with this thread.

I just wanted to say, that such things happened at least twice. That
such an early closing bug can easily seem arrogant or ignorant. I know
in the meantime that the developer didn't mean it. So I think discussing
how to avoid such things in general would be better.

And yes, in the last case, it was indeed a communication issue and some
misunderstandings on the developers and on my side. But I would say
that the communication concerns in these special cases are clarified.

But those communication issues could be avoided with some of the
proposals already made here in this thread.


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