On 06-03-10 12:25, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Gaurish Sharma<cont...@gaurishsharma.com>wrote:

Flashplugin keep crashing which makes Firefox unstable. with chrome, only
plugin crashes. But this way I am not able to experiance any flash based
website. the thing that annoy me is that flash does work fine my lappy with

Anyone experiencing similar issues?


[1] Flashplugin Version        :

Try reinstalling the package. I don't think you've the source for
flashplayer right ? So if that doesn't work you've to use something
compatible like gnash, etc.

Nilesh, would you be so kind to trim the quoted message to only include whatever is relevant? Now people have to scroll through a lot of text (the logs), only the find the note "try reinstalling".

(not to be offensive, just a kind request).


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