On 2/21/10, Xavier Chantry <chantry.xav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Javier Vasquez <j.e.vasque...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Bad thing it's still kind of unknown how to solve or to work around
>> it.  Well, the work around is not to use xscreensaver, :-(.   I don't
>> remember if I can get xlockmore to lock when there's no activity...
>> Well, I'll have to look into something different than xscreensaver
>> then.
>> More amazing, why does the problem only manifests with xscreensaver?
>> There's no problem with any other application...  Any ways, I just
>> wanted to provide update.
> Are you using a GL screensaver ? If yes, then why ? :)
> Are you running any other GL apps ?
> Maybe have a look at http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14535

I'm using the stock xscreensaver wich is compiled with GL...  However
I have all GL applications disabled (I always disable them through
xscreensaver-demo), however it doesn't matter.  As long as I launch
xscreensaver-demo  I get FS corruption and system frozen...  And if by
any reason I get the screen locked (that's the main reason I use
xscreensaver) I get the FS corruption and can't do anything...

I'm about to get from AUR xautolock, and use xlock with blank screen
or matrix, :-)  I'll see if can get myself included in the bug report,
so I can get updated automatically...



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