On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Samuel Baldwin <recursive.for...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I'm trying to update my system with 'pacman -Syu', but doing so
> discovers a conflict with phonon; phonon conflicts with qt, but
> kdelibs apparently needs both. What should I do? Trying to install
> phonon by hand requires uninstalling qt, but other packages depend on
> it (including kdelibs).
> arrakis^samuel# pacman -Syu
> :: Synchronizing package databases...
>  core is up to date
>  extra is up to date
>  community is up to date
> :: Starting full system upgrade...
> :: Replace kdelibs-experimental with extra/kdelibs? [Y/n]
> :: Replace kernel-headers with core/linux-api-headers? [Y/n]
> :: Replace pil with extra/python-imaging? [Y/n]
> warning: quodlibet-plugins: local (20080926-2) is newer than extra (2.2-1)
> resolving dependencies...
> warning: dependency cycle detected:
> warning: xorg-server will be installed before its nvidia-utils dependency
> looking for inter-conflicts...
> error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
> :: kdelibs: requires phonon
> --
> Samuel Baldwin - logik.li
This was posted on planet arch, arch-news, and already discussed here on the

What you basically need to do is:

$ pacman -Sy --asdeps qt
$ pacman -Su

This should fix the problem.

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