On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:28:53 -0500, Alexander Lam <lambchop...@gmail.com>
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Pierre Chapuis <catw...@archlinux.us>
> wrote:
>> I saw on arch-announce that xf86-video-intel now only supports KMS, and
>> wanted to ask: is there still a way to specify the resolution of
>> consoles, like we used to do with vga=XXX in kernel options?

Thank you, just what I needed! It was in the commit log from Damien's
link too. I tried it, and it works.

As Thomas said, the right mode is chosen automatically on a laptop, but
sometimes I might need to set it on an external device such as a beamer
(overhead projector), or I might need a 80x24 console even on my laptop 

Now, more questions:
  - Is there extensive documentation about that somewhere?
  - Is there a way to enforce an aspect ratio, eg. to have a 4:3 mode
    with black stripes on the sides on a 16:10 strip?
  - Is there a way to change the mode on the fly without rebooting?

I will edit the Arch wiki once I get answer to those.  


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