Am 07.02.2010 12:03, schrieb Thomas Bächler:
> Okay, this is it. The busybox-based mkinitcpio is entering testing now.
> use this if you have root on NFS, it is NOT IMPLEMENTED yet.
> Known issues: If you use 2.6.33 and enable the support for ext2/ext3 in
> the ext4 driver, root on ext2/3 won't work with the autodetect hook,
> I'll fix that for the next version.
> Number of systems that failed to boot after the upgrade: 0 (so far)
> Hooks adjusted: All base hooks + keymap, encrypt, lvm2, mdadm, dmraid,
> raid (now a symlink to mdadm), v86d. (Also, I hear that the uresume hook
> works without modification).
> I am still looking for someone to implement NFS root with this, please
> contact me if you are interested. This will not be the final version,
> there is still some work to do, but for now this requires more testing.

Okay, version is up. This adds NFS support, but that requires
the packages mkinitcpio-nfs-utils, which I haven't created yet, and
maybe won't until tomorrow or so. Other than that, mkinitcpio should be
feature-complete and thus be considered "0.6-rc1".

I will send another message when mkinitcpio-nfs-utils (which is ipconfig
and nfsmount ported from klibc) is up so NFS support can be tested.

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