Excerpts from Uli Armbruster's message of 2010-02-10 13:11:50 +0100:
> * hollunder <hollun...@lavabit.com> [10.02.2010 12:45]:
> > Well, there are also lots of people who have complaints about macs and
> > pt, but pt sure has good marketing. I doubt a networked setup such as
> > his would be possible with pt.
> Well, I don't know if it's possible to set up a comparable networked setup 
> with protools, that surely is a big advantage jack delivers us. Tomorrow I'll 
> do a recording in a professional studio (SAE in munich, for those who know 
> this school) which I guess uses mac + protools. I think I'll take a closer 
> look to it, maybe they have such a networked setup there. But I doubt it..

The SAE in Munich did for a while sponsor Paul Davis to work on a Mac
version of Ardour with a simplified user interface for teaching purposes.
Maybe you can get us some information from there, whether it was used,
how well it worked and so on..


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