On 10 February 2010 15:35, Gaurish Sharma <cont...@gaurishsharma.com> wrote: >> >> maybe give the status of testers to some active arch members who use >> testing (if any users are interested at all..) >> > > +1 to the idea. > this work can be delegated to active users who have enabled [testing] > repo. a special status can be given to them with a fancy name like > "Package Quality & Testing" Team.being a member of this team won't > need any special knowledge, so anyone who wants to contribute can join > and help. the only requirement should, usage of [testing] repo > > And dev can focus their previous time other useful work. > > > Regards, > Gaurish Sharma >
I'd be interested, been using the "testing" packages for a while now. And incidentally I use openvpn almost on a daily basis. From the list I'm also using ipw2200-fw, wpa_supplicant (not counting those that are marked with "Everyone"). Probably could check others as well when I have more time. Cheers, Greg