On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:04 PM,  <f...@kokkinizita.net> wrote:
> If I notice that a new app or an update of an existing one
> has included a new major version of a library, I will in time
> probably update or recompile everything to use the new library
> as well. It would typically be a matter of some days.
> Just do not expect me to do that *immediately*. I do expect
> that any apps that I didn't update continue to work until I
> update them. This means that the previous library version must
> not be removed. I don't keep a system as a toy and for the
> pleasure of keeping it up to date. I need it to do my work,
> and having to do a complete system update at an unexpected
> time is not helping at all. Even less if that complete system
> update results in the machine locking up and /me having to spend
> some hours manually repairing file systems and installed packages.
> As happened today.

It is *required* to do only complete system updates when using Arch.
Partial updates are not supported, *by design*.

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