
I tried this, but without success. Should I delete some files to make a clean 
start or is the --noincremental enough there?

In the output of the command you gave, i got several errors and warnings, also 
this one:
kbuildsycoca4(3281) KBuildServiceFactory::populateServiceTypes: 
"kontact/summaryplugin.desktop" specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 

What is causing this?

Thanks in advance,

On Friday 05 February 2010, Bram Schoenmakers wrote:
> 2010/2/5 Erwin Van de Velde <erwin.vandeve...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Kontact does not show any of its plugins (kmail, korganizer, ...). It
> > starts
> > empty and if started from CLI, it prints:
> You could try to run kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental as your regular user.
> Kind regards,

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