On Tue, 02.02.2010 um 19:13 +0100, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Bump! Virtually nobody has performed any testing (except the people I
> poked about it). Also, I still don't have fixed raid or dmraid hooks,
> nor any suggestion for implementing root on NFS (of the last three, I
> use neither). I could write raid, but I have no idea if it will work. I
> don't know what exactly needs to be done in the NFS case, because that
> was all hidden inside "ipconfig" from klibc.
> The part that works (standard hooks, keymap, cryptsetup, lvm2) has been
> 100% stable and has worked perfectly for all of the testers so far
> (which aren't many, so you never know).

I switched to the kill-klibc repo and my system still boots, using:

HOOKS="base udev autodetect sata encrypt filesystems"

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