
Recently, I've found that Arch mounts tmpfs on /dev. And, as you may see,
this makes big problem to some applications.

i'd call it annoyance, but i cant see big problems for the typical arch user who are loving udev/hal/etc..
Is there anything particular you are experiencing issues with?

This mount is not placed in /etc/fstab. So, I think this is done by some
of init scripts.

"Welcome to archlinux, Violating unix standards while claiming the oposite. We're loving it."

I've looked at the /etc/rc.d folder and grep "mount" `find`.
But nothing interesting found.

Its stuffed with other nuisances into /etc/rc.sysinit

I really don't want to mount tmpfs on /dev. How to don't do it?

Remove the line from the init. Or use heresy alltogether.
Read the script. If you dont know what it does, dont touch it and post some actual bugs to the arch devs.


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