This order can be accomplished by first running rsync without the delete flag.
Then rsync over the DB.
Then re-run the original rsync with --delete or --delete-after.
You could also google for 'atomic rsync'
First hit is

As for push mirroring, is a
decent example
An identity file with
Is fairly decent..

Lee Burton
301 910 0246

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:53, Damjan Georgievski <> wrote:
>>> There's also the problem that some mirrors (most of the ones I've
>>> tried) sync the package database before syncing all the packages.
>> Actually, syncing the db last is not going to improve things: if some
>> packages get deleted, they won't be found when updating against the
>> old db.
> - download new packages
> - update db
> - delete old packages
> --
> damjan

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