On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Samuel Baldwin
<recursive.for...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The topic says it all. I've got a new microphone, and whereas it
> works, it's rather quiet when I try to record it wtih audacity. Most
> people on skype complain that my voice is rather quiet as well, and I
> have to basically put the mic in my mouth for them to hear to hear me
> properly.
> Nothing's showed up on dmesg since I've plugged it in, strangely, but
> it shows up as a selection in audacity and skype (AK5370 :USB Audio
> (hw:1,0)).
> I've got mic boost, capture volume, capture 1, and digital turned all
> the way up, and those seem to be the only relevant options in
> alsamixer.
> I'm a bit confused, any input?
> --
> Samuel Baldwin - logik.li

Starting with the obvious.....
did you select the right device in alsamixer? (use F6)

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