
        The far right-hand sliver of the screen is rarely covered on my 
desktop. Using
the quicklaunch widget turns it into a very useful launch area without placing
an entire 'toolbar' on the edge by using the 'quicklaunch' widget. Using the
quicklaunch, you can put ~20 of your favorite apps in a very convenient location
without losing desktop real estate. See:


        Initially the quicklaunch widget orients itself in a horizontal 
Simply using the resize handle, you can resize it into a vertical configuration.
Right after resize, the whole quicklaunch will look like a mess due to a bug
that changes the size of the icons to 128px as the widget is resized vertically.
Just click on the preferences access button and set the size back to 16 and you
are good to go. (while you are there also increase the maximum number of visible
apps to ~30 or so)

        To populate quicklaunch, just right-click the quicklaunch on the icon 
where you want your app located and navigate to the .desktop file for the app
you want to add and click OK. The .desktop files are usually located at:

/opt/kde(3)/share/applications/kde   (adjust as required)

        To rearrange the application order, just drag the icons where you want 
them in
the quicklaunch.


(PS. the multiple konqueror and dolphin icons are the user & su versions)

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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