Am oder ungefähr am Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010, schrieb Ray Rashif:
> 2010/1/26 Manne Merak <>:
> "Thus you can use BT headset with applications which support the
> output configuration to specific alsa device (specified in
> ~/.asoundrc) [b]. If your application does not allow this kind of
> configuration you can also try to set the default alsa device to your
> BT headset too. This will help of course only if this application
> sends the output to alsa."
> I think it's not possible to use it as how you expect.

I don’t really understand why you need to use pulseaudio for this purpose (as 
some people in this thread mentioned). I had a similar issue with an on-board 
sound card and an external headset that was plugged in via usb and recognized 
as a separate sound card. I wrote a simple udev rule (1 line) that switched the 
symlink /etc/asoundrc to two prepared asoundrc files in one of which the 
headset was the default device and in the other the on-board sound card. So if 
the headset was plugged in it was used exclusively and the other way round. :)


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