Every time I try and install Arch Linux 2009.08 Netinst .ISO disk on
my newly built PC hardware, I get the following error:

Waiting for boot device...
Error: Boot device didn't show up after 30 seconds...
Falling back to interactive prompt.
You can try and fix the problem manually, log out when you're finished.

The same ISO works perfect on my laptop and other PC's but on my
personal $1,000 PC, it doesn't. I can't figure this out. I also tried
the 2009.08 Core disk and I get the same thing as with the 'Netinst'

I don't know if it's because I have a S-ATA DVD-ROM drive on this
machine. I can boot from disk and see the Arch install options...even
play "Space Invaders". But when I select the install Arch Linux
options, it boots into a 'Live' environment and then hangs on the
error above. Someone please help...

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