On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 00:07:18 +0100 Alexander Duscheleit <ji...@archlinux.us> wrote:
> Would it be possible to just generate the relevant mdadm.conf during > the configure stage without providing further additional support? > People are used to run installation steps in sequence so this would > eliminate on source of (apparently frustrating) user error. > > A quick look at AIF's source suggest prefill_configs () as proper > place. I'm not certain, how AIF identifies used block devices, but > something like this would probably suffice: > > if md[0-9] in $BLOCKDEVICES -> > mdadm --detail --scan >> ${var_TARGET_DIR}/etc/mdadm.conf hmm. that seems simple enough. why not? what do you mean with $BLOCKDEVICES ? all blockdevices in the system? or blockdevices explicitly configured to be partionened by user? or blockdevices explicitly configured to be used for formatting by user? > > If the official installation guide states otherwise, we should fix > > that. please point me to the mistake/file a ticket. > > If community-maintained documentation is incorrect, fix it yourself. > > The official istall guide specifically states that you are on your own > with softraid. The raid/lvm/etc wiki article is a bit twisted in it's > mix-and-match of methods, I shall have another look if I can squeeze > the relevant information in there. the better the support in AIF gets, the smaller such articles can become. > > Patches to support softraid are always welcome. Things don't get > > improved by merely hoping for it. > > http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/14149 > > WONTFIX! This is already far too easy :) Assuming the user does the heavy work (creating the MD volumes), what are the other (little) tasks that AIF can implement to limit the amount of manual work? - modprobe raid{1,2,3,4,5,6} ? - rewriting the mdadm.conf if needed (see above) - for a root filesystem which needs raid, add raid to HOOKS in mkinitcpio.conf [where order is very important when combined with lvm/dm_crypt etc] ? anything else i'm missing? Dieter