2010/1/7 David C. Rankin <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com>

> Believe it or not, our Federal Government has done a good job with a Linux
> backend for a good part of the CM/ECF electronic filing system for the
> Federal District Court system.

Wow - that's impressive from the viewpoint of a Belgian lawyer. We still
live in the middle ages having to print out every procedural document and
physically carry it to the court. Not even depositing the document by fax is
always allowed...

What's even more frustrating is that a large part of Belgian courts were
transferred to linux early in 2008 and one month ago it was announced they
would go back to a windows-environment. The users just couldn't adapt to
linux. If you add up to that that the project to get the Belgian justice
department somewhere in the current millennium failed after costing several
billions of Euro's, you have to conclude that our government has lost all
touch with reality/reason.

Well, just my 0.02 ounces of frustration. No need to bother you guys with
this. Thank your god you have a decent backend to work with :)


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