On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 06:03:32PM -0500, Jim Pryor wrote:

> Hi this is the author of yacron again.
> I've just heard from Matt Dillon, he says he's happy for me to take over
> development and maintainership of dcron.
> So what I'll do is create a release version of yacron, and rename it to
> dcron 4.0. Of course that doesn't mean Arch has to keep using dcron; you
> may still decide fcron is better for core. But if you do want to stay
> with dcron, its development will now continue with the features I had
> forked as yacron.

OK, release tarball of dcron 4.0 is now posted to
http://www.jimpryor.net/linux/dcron. Paul will say when it's ready to go
to [testing].

I also posted a dcron-git to AUR:
<http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33377>. If anybody has trouble
with the [testing] version, and has time to help me test fixes, they can
use this.

I'll keep my eyes open to the lists/forum/bugtracker to see if people
report problems. I've tried to make the docs helpful. I'd be glad for
any further suggestions.

Jim Pryor

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