Am Mon, 4 Jan 2010 09:59:49 -0600
schrieb Aaron Griffin <>:

> >> You realize you don't need to say this *every single time* you
> >> answer an email from arch-dev-public? We do this (restrict who can
> >> post to that list) quite on purpose, and this is the defined
> >> method of answering these emails. Every dev subscribes to this
> >> list too so it isn't like your email is getting lost.
> >
> > Hi Dan, I didn't know that either. I've several times wanted to
> > reply to arch-dev-public emails and didn't know how. It's helpful
> > to hear this is the expected protocol, thanks.
> It used to (not sure if the message has changed) indicate this in the
> error response when trying to post to arch-dev-public. Something to
> the effect of "please send your reply to arch-general"

I didn't read this in the arch-dev-public response. Maybe I just missed
it. I know that devs who are subscribed to arch-dev-public usually are
subscribed to arch-general but I didn't know that this is the expected
way to answer.

I won't write this comment anymore. ;-)

Thanks for the infos.


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