Make sure you have kernel26-headers installed and rebuild using the guest 
additions from community.

"Guillermo Leira" <> wrote:

>> I have just upgraded to this new kernel, and I have a "little" problem: I
>> have an i686 Virtual Machine running under VirtualBox, on Windows XP.
>> this upgrade, as soon as I enter my password, the system gets completely
>> locked.
>> If I press Ctrl-Alt-F1, I can switch to tty1, but if I get back to login
>> screen and try to login, the system locks immediately.
>> I'm using gnome and GDM. I've been trying to uninstall
>> reinstall, etc, with no results.
>I have managed to completely uninstall virtualbox guest-additions, and now I
>can login. After reinstalling guest-additions (the ones that come with
>VirtualBox, because the package in community does not seem to work very
>well, but this is another history), and some testing, I have discovered that
>I can login if I disable gdm in rc.conf and call it from the command line.
>Best Regards,
>Guillermo Leira

Sent from my Android phone with K-9. Please excuse my brevity.

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