On 15/12/09 09:33, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 09:25 +0000, Magnus Therning wrote:
2009/12/15 Ng Oon-Ee<ngoo...@gmail.com>:
On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 07:46 +0000, Nathan Wayde wrote:
On 15/12/09 07:40, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
Hmm, it just shows ... for me for all messages.
top-left near the 'Subject' header, the button?/header with the icon
that looks like a lower-case t, to the left of the star header - click it.
You mean the 'expand thread' triangle? That's not it, that just expands
the thread to a view identical to in Thunderbird2. I'm unable to get a
'3-4 line preview' view on any of my mails, as in the picture by the
first poster in this thread.
Unexpand the thread, then click on the first message, it should result
in that view.
It does, but every line just shows like this:-
Poster 1 Date
Poster 2 Date
And so on. I'm getting the correct view, what I'm not getting is the
'3-4 lines' talked about.
Oh, sorry I misread...
It doesn't display '3-4' lines, it's the first sentence or so, you see
3-4 lines because of the screen width.