Am Montag 07 Dezember 2009 schrieb Tom:
> So, any news on this?
> I 'fixed' it by removing radeon from initramfs, but as has been pointed
> out, thats not really a solution!?
HI guys,
This kms firmware issue revealed a bug in initcpio and firmware handling.

Would you mind to test a fix for the firmware loading?
2 files attached:
This will load udevd before executing MODULES=
- Replace /lib/initcpio/init and /lib/initcpio/hooks/udev
- Remove the yourself created radeon hook from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf hooks
- Add radeon again to modules array in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
- Recreate a test initrd with mkinitcpio -g test.img 
  and launch this initrd from your bootloader.
- Don't forget to reinstall original initcpio files after that!
  pacman -S initcpio

Thanks for your help.
Tobias Powalowski
Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa)
# vim: set ft=sh:
run_hook ()
    /sbin/udevadm trigger
    /sbin/udevadm settle
    msg "done."

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