On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 00:31 -0200, Denis A. Altoé Falqueto wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Caleb Cushing <xenoterrac...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > where can I get find the configs for older kernels? specifically 2.6.29?
> http://repos.archlinux.org/wsvn/packages/kernel26/repos/core-i686/
> If you click in View Log you can see all changes of the file. That is
> for the 32 bits repository. Maybe you'll need to find the 64 bits
> version, but I think it is not different in this specific case.
The config for a 64-bit kernel does have a few very important
differences right at the top, as I recall. Been a while since I looked
at the config files though.