On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 10:04:16PM -0200, Denis A. Altoé Falqueto wrote:
The *Kit family maybe could be replaced by a good set of ACLs, but
even that can be problematic, as not all the concepts that are
configured by PolicyKit or ConsoleKit are files. And the Unix security
model of Users/Groups/Others is not very flexible, beyond some simple
Let me illustrate the problem here by construction an argument with a
similar flaw:
"The mouse is inflexible and should be deprecated, as a stylus has the
advantage of being cordless. All modern pointing devices should be
cordless and i think these mouse users are just from the 60s."
f...@kokkinizita.net wrote:
It's a lot more flexible than you'd imagine. It has been
used with success to manage systems with thousands of users.
If that is possible, do you really think that a managing a
simple personal computer requires anything new ?
It all adds up. Been on one of their conferences? A man with my patience
can easily go into stabbing mode there. The amount of clueless people
clearly outnumbered any available resources to cluebat them.
Eternal September is a pattern, not an event.
Someone is propably going to whine about me being offensive again, so i
added cake:
Asgaard Technologies