Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
have to say about this dependency?

what i didn't mention, but is apparantly nessesary, is that i was actually deep involved into the whole foodchain of kde and gnome before they started acting like kids and thought they need to copy windows for the greater good.

The Gedit author failed to recognise the problem alltogether, even after explaining,...

Does not seem
'necessary' to me, but depending on the app's structure the choice could
be between:-
a) some new feature which requires dbus
b) not having the feature

.. that singleton patterns have been around for ages and have in fact nothing to do with dbus, doesnt depend on dbus, and is easier to implement without dbus.

Which would then lead to the question whether the app's design allows
dbus to be loaded only when necessary instead of linked at compile-time.

It's a non technical issue. The patch is 4 lines.

I doubt many apps are designed to allow dbus to be used 'if and only if
available' at run-time?

Its the general mindset that every each and one of us should be forced to accept the global thruth.

Asgaard Technologies

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