On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 00:49 +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
> Heiko Baums wrote:
> > Show me a more minimalist distribution than Arch and Gentoo. I guess
> > you won't find one. And if you did I suggest you switching to this
> > distro.
> This is the entire reason i want arch to officialy state that these 
> users are not welcome. I want to move on, so we can split up the user 
> bases. Ultimately so both sides can continue their life without the 
> constant (and i'm meaning constant. this isnt the first time this 
> discussion exploded) need to reevaluate if arch should do this or that.
> > If Arch doesn't fit your needs then choose another distro or build one
> > by yourself.
> It's done. All i want is to settle this in a useful way.
I think that's about all that can be said then. Arch Linux, and its
devs/community, does not dislike (or fail to welcome) minimalist users.
The only users Arch does not welcome are those who don't want to do
their homework, as far as I can see (obviously not you). All users are
welcome to make THEIR Arch install what they want.

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