On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 3:40 PM, André Ramaciotti da Silva
<andre.ramacio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 01:54:10AM +0530, Raghavendra Prabhu wrote:
>> One thing I don't understand here is - why people crib that package B should
>> not have feature X. If you don't want that, ABS is for that. There are
>> plenty of packages which have additional dependencies like that mplayer(like
>> smbclient) or vlc(hal :) or lua).
>> (snipped)
> The problem is that using ABS is impracticable if you have a big number of
> custom PKGBUILDs.
> OTOH, having packages with minimal dependencies isn't so great. During the
> (short) time I've used Gentoo, I noticed the consume of RAM is a little
> lower, but there isn't a big difference in performance. The problems arise
> when you compile packages with way to minimal dependencies, and later
> realize it was a mistake, and now you have to recompile lots of packages.

True. Although I favor minimalism, it's practically never worth
actually doing anything to get it. Right now I've achieved zero use of
both ABS and AUR. The resulting ease of maintenance totally trumps any
gains I'd get by tweaking PKGBUILDs.

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